Word perception mean awareness of something through sense like organ sense (hear, see, taste etc).

the biggest issue in companies is how to present their product in public, that is companies face an issue in quality of an image of their product. like in the automobile sector, a major issue is how a consumer can select the car that is what they perceived about their products.

In consumer behavior, perception means the way stimuli are interacted and integrated by the consumers.

the entire process by which an individual become aware of the environment and interpret it so that it will fit into his or her frame of reference.

for example, some consumers perceive the products in terms of brand value or other perceive in terms of quality and features.

  A problem with perception that two consumers may be subject to some stimuli under an apparently same condition, but they recognize, select, organize and interpret them in their own need, value, and expectation. individual react and act on basis of their perception.with this marketer understand the whole notion of perception so that they can more readily determine what influence consumer to buy.

FRAME OF REFERENCE:  perception is not mean listening or seeing the stimuli, it means seeing and listen in term of their like, dislike, belief, experience which is called frame of reference that is previous held experience, belief, likes, dislikes, feeling and other psychological reaction.

the frame of reference can be evaluated by behavioral attention, attitude towards the certain object and previously held emotions.

it can be explained as SYMBOL( used by the advertiser in the advertising message)--->STIMULI (picked up by sensory receptor)---> COGNITIVE COMPONENT, AFFECTIVE COMPONENT, BEHAVIORAL COMPONENT---> OVERALL ATTITUDE--> PERCEPTION OF MSG and DECISION MAKING

    COGNITIVE COMPONENT include belief, experience, and knowledge about products
     AFFECTIVE COMPONENT include emotion, feeling, prejudice in brand or products
    BEHAVIORAL COMPONENT include  reaction and habit

THRESHOLD: it can be described by ability of consumer to detect  the stimuli or any variation occur in environment and advertisement, like small change in price, change in packaging, etc,

 THRESHOLD LEVEL: the point at which an effect begins to occur like a sudden rise in product price and offer 50% sale of the product.

the threshold can be an absolute threshold and differential threshold

Absolute Threshold: difference can be detected between something and nothing.  RS 10 INR chocolate increase in  RS 11 INR, this the small amount of stimulation that can be detected on our sensory channel.

Differential Threshold: in this, if we hold two objects of different weigh, the just noticeable difference would be a minimum weight difference between the two that we can sense half of the times. one object weight 5gm and other 8gm, the just noticeable difference is an object which is  5gm.

EXPOSURE: the message is only perceived when it is exposed to the stimulus. it can intentional exposure

( when individual exposed the information by their own because his intention to buy that type of product). and accidental exposure ( it occur when message portrayed by broadcast media or any other market campaign)

ATTENTION: it takes place if consumer notice to stimulus if no attention took place then the message is no use.

PERCEPTION ORGANIZATION: message perceived as a whole, not as a set of element, the whole is greater than the sum of parts, for example, MICROSOFT WORD whole thing can be understood when we open word, with their features.

PERCEPTION INTERPRETATION: in this what consumer expect to see in terms of their previous experience.  if consumer past experience is bad then he doesn't want to see the advertisement.

SELECTIVE PERCEPTION: consumer only sees what he want to see in message or advertisement. like if consumer want silky hair shampoo in ayurvedic then he only see that type of shampoo and ignore other messages.



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